The Road to Magewinds Meetup, Part 1
As I write this I am waiting for TeX Live to install. I have spent the last month or so of my limited Magewinds development time putting the Core Rules into one big Markdown document and figuring out how to get back from that to the format I build this website from (multiple Markdown documents, one per 2nd-level heading). Export to the website format is now working, thank goodness1, so I can move onto phase 2: exporting the Core Rules to a printable format (PDF). That shall be done today, I hope.
At the end of all of this effort I shall be abe to update the rules in one place and automatically regenerate both the website and the PDF, which will be a great workflow improvement for Magewinds and for any future games I design.
Once this is done, I am planning to make some adjustments to the Core Rules, the fighter pack and the scenario pack, before locking them all down at the end of September. That way, any documents I print before the Meetup are not invalidated by last-minute work, and so that attendees can plan their warbands a bit without me pulling the rug out from underneath them!
The Meetup, by the way, is in November – please reach out to me if you’re interested in attending and you need the details.
…It’s still installing, how?
And I learned a lot along the way, which was secretly the purpose of the exercise 😉 ↩