The Road to Magewinds Meetup, Part 2
In my first post in this series I wrote about the work I was doing to make publishing rules updates easier. I am relieved to say I have completed the first major chunk of this work! 😤
There is now a shiny new PDF for the current version of the Core Rules (v1.1.2) available on the Rules page of the website (or just click here). It was generated using Pandoc and Weasyprint. Henceforth, when I want to produce a printable PDF of a version of the Core Rules I need only press a single button – previously I would have to separately maintain a Word document from which to generate a PDF, which was such a faff I only ever bothered once.
I think this will be a great workflow improvement for this game. (And for future projects!)
Please take a look at it if you have time and let me know if you spot any issues with it, or improvements that could be made. For example you might want the rules available in A4 rather than A5 booklet format, and I can certainly look into providing that as an alternative.
Next I need to figure out how to do more or less the same with Tempest Crusaders and Into the Tempest…