Magewinds Free Rules for Magical Duels

Core Rules · v1.1.2


9.0 - Counters, Tokens and Markers

9.1 - Action Counters #

An action counter that indicates that a fighter has performed one action is referred to as a single action counter, while one that indicates that they have performed two actions is referred to as a double action counter.

Action counters can be placed next to the fighter and be moved with them when they move. Alternatively, if you have a reference card for the fighter, you can put the counter on top of it instead.

9.2 - Damage Counters #

Damage counters can be placed next to the fighter and be moved with them when they move, or they can be placed on the fighter’s reference card (if you have one).

9.3 - Other Tokens and Counters #

Like action and damage counters, these can be placed next to a fighter or on their reference card.

9.4 - Markers #

A marker is a game piece used to indicate a point on the battlefield.

When measuring distances to and from a marker, measure from the marker’s centre.

When placing a marker, you may not place the marker on top of an object, fighter, or terrain feature. The marker must be placed underneath instead. To do so, pick up the thing in question, place the marker, and then place the thing back exactly where it was.