Magewinds Free Rules for Magical Duels

Tempest Crusaders · v1.5.0


Universal Abilities

The following abilities are available to all fighters.

Spell - Haste - 1 Spade

Cast this spell when a visible fighter begins a Move action. That fighter has +1 Movement for the duration of that action.

Spell - Leap - 1 Spade

Cast this spell when this fighter makes a step move. That fighter may move an additional 2”.

Spell Action - Blink - 3 Spades

Re-deploy this fighter (Core Rules, 20.2) at a visible position and more than 3” from enemy fighters. A fighter cannot perform this action if they are carrying an object.

Missile Attack Spell - Spark - 1 Diamond

Range Power Precision
1 - 5 3 3

Spell - Energize - 1 Heart, 1 Diamond

This spell can only be cast once per warband per action phase.

Cast this spell at the end of your turn. Choose a visible friendly fighter. That fighter recovers an action (Core Rules, 20.3).

Spell Action - Recover - 1-3 Hearts

This fighter heals an amount of damage equal to the number of Hearts spent. (Core Rules, 20.1).

Spell - Barrier - 1-3 Clubs

Cast this spell when a visible fighter receives damage. For each point of damage, roll a die. If the result is less than or equal to the number of Clubs spent to cast this spell, that point of damage is negated.