Magewinds Free Rules for Magical Duels

Ups and Downs · v0.0.1



A fighter falls if it completes any kind of move (or deployment) and it is not on a platform. Place the fighter on the next lowest platform that is closest horizontally to the fighter’s position when they began falling.

Fall Damage

It’s not easy to land safely when falling from a great height!

Immediately after a fighter falls a vertical distance of 2” or more, roll a dice for each extra inch of distance they fell (rounding up). For each result equal to or less than the number of dice rolled, the fighter receives a point of damage.

Unless noted otherwise, all fighters have access to the Slowfall spell ability:

Spell - Slowfall - 1 Spade

Cast this spell when a visible fighter begins falling. That fighter does not have to roll for fall damage, but has -1 Evasion until their next activation or the end of the action phase.